SwiftUI NavigationSplitView
NavigationSplitViews can be used with two or three column layout. Selections are managed with NavigationLink(value:,label:) and navigationDestination(for:,destination:). The call to navigationDestination has to be placed in a superview of the NavigationLinks. The destination views of the navigation destinations will be inserted in the next-level container. This may be content or detail.
Note that the content pane needs a navigation stack, as it uses navigation links and navigation destinations.
enum NavSplitCategory: String, Identifiable, Hashable, Comparable { case colors = "Colors" case values = "Values" case texts = "Texts" var id: String { return self.rawValue } static func < (lhs: NavSplitCategory, rhs: NavSplitCategory) -> Bool { return lhs.rawValue < rhs.rawValue } } struct XNavSplitView: View { ... @State var selectedCategory: String? = nil ... var body: some View { ZStack { NavigationSplitView(columnVisibility: $columnVisibility, sidebar: { Text("Sidebar").font(.largeTitle) let categories = data.keys.sorted() // = all NavSplitCategory items List(selection: $selectedCategory) { ForEach(categories, id: \.self) { category in NavigationLink(value: category, label: { Text("Category \(category.rawValue)") }) } } .navigationDestination(for: NavSplitCategory.self, destination: { category in switch category { case .colors: ... } } }, content: { NavigationStack { Text("Content").font(.largeTitle) } .navigationDestination(for: Color.self, destination: { color in color }) ... }, detail: { NavigationStack { Text("Detail").font(.largeTitle) } }) ... } } }